Selena Ross
Owner & Executive Business Strategist

As an accomplished Executive Business Strategist, I have over 15 years of experience in project management, specializing in Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) and Hybrid Companies. I excel in implementing projects that elevate my clients, colleagues, and students alike.

With a passion for education, I also serve as an educator, shaping the leaders of tomorrow at colleges and universities. Beyond academia, I actively engage with my community as an advocate for non-profit organizations, providing invaluable training and development on a charitable basis.

My leadership extends to my role as a team leader on various projects, where I foster effective communication across team members while providing guidance and expertise to ensure project success. My systematic approach to problem-solving has led to the development of viable solutions for growth and sustainability, resulting in an impressive 4% increase in organizational revenues.

With my extensive experience and dedication to making a positive impact, I continue to drive forward initiatives that shape the future of business and society.

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